Saturday, December 11, 2010

Is Cars allergic to Vanilla Ice creams!! An old story about GM customer service.. Worth a read!!

A complaint was received by the Pontiac Division of General Motors:

"This is the second time I have written you, and I don't blame you for not answering me, because I kind of sounded crazy, but it is a fact that we have a tradition in our family of ice cream for dessert after dinner each night. But the kind of ice cream varies so, every night, after we've eaten, the whole family votes on which kind of ice cream we should have and I drive down to the store to get it. It's also a fact that I recently purchased a new Pontiac and since then my trips to the store have created a problem. You see, every time I buy vanilla ice cream, when I start back from the store my car won't start. If I get any other kind of ice cream, the car starts just fine. I want you to know I'm serious about this question, no matter how silly it sounds: 'What is there about a Pontiac that makes it not start when I get vanilla ice cream, and easy to start whenever I get any other kind?'"

The Pontiac President was understandably sceptical about the letter, but sent an engineer to check it out anyway. The latter was surprised to be greeted by a successful, obviously well educated man in a fine neighbourhood. He had arranged to meet the man just after dinner time, so the two hopped into the car and drove to the ice cream store. It was vanilla ice cream that night and, sure enough, after they came back to the car, it wouldn't start.

The engineer returned for three more nights. The first night, the man got chocolate. The car started. The second night, he got strawberry. The car started. The third night he ordered vanilla. The car failed to start.

Now the engineer, being a logical man, refused to believe that this man's car was allergic to vanilla ice cream. He arranged, therefore, to continue his visits for as long as it took to solve the problem. And toward this end he began to take notes: he jotted down all sorts of data, time of day, type of gas used, time to drive back and forth, etc.

In a short time, he had a clue: the man took less time to buy vanilla than any other flavour. Why? The answer was in the layout of the store.

Vanilla, being the most popular flavour, was in a separate case at the front of the store for quick pickup. All the other flavours were kept in the back of the store at a different counter where it took considerably longer to find the flavour and get checked out.

Now the question for the engineer was why the car wouldn't start when it took less time. Once time became the problem -- not the vanilla ice cream -- the engineer quickly came up with the answer: vapour lock. It was happening every night, but the extra time taken to get the other flavours allowed the engine to cool down sufficiently to start. When the man got vanilla, the engine was still too hot for the vapour lock to dissipate.

Moral of the story: Even insane looking problems are sometimes real.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Klueless 6 clues.. Klues for Klueless 6!!!

The Slow and Mighty Journey to Hall of Fame

Hi all.. Yet another year has passed and yet another edition of Klueless has come.. And playing it has been an amazing experience.. It has been a very slow journey without food and sleep. And If I haven't wasted much time for some silly levels, I might have ended up with a much better position. Nevertheless some of the levels are designed in such a way that that even gods can't crack.. As they say, I guess, God is still stuck on level 15.But we are not gods, we humans are more crooked, wicked and intelligent.. We can do anything.. So now start playing..  Here's the link

I implore you not to use this clues and find out the answers on your own.. Some of this are pretty explicit and some are pretty weird. You can only get the answer if you think in the same lines. So this clues can be misleading.. and some will loose the interest in the game. Each and every level of K6 are carefully designed to perfection with enough clues to proceed by K6 Team.. So please please please don't use this until you're really stuck on some levels. 

You can find many hints posted by mods and other players in their official blog..

First time players please READ RULES PAGE THOROUGHLY before proceeding with the game. And remember this before you start.  

"Not everything that looks like a hint may point to the right answer/path. They would like to play with your mind once in a while you know :-)"

Klueless6 Level 1: It's a nice dice game.. Click it.. Even my great grand mother can do it.. :D

Klueless 6 Level 2: Please don't proceed if you can't make head or tail of it..

Klueless6 Level 3: Read the story!!.. Did you ever wonder your life is so BLEEPed UP sometimes???!!! Censored.

Klueless 6 Level 4: As I told you before, we humans are more wicked. Some times we take Gods' job in our hands.. A nano car gives a 27 KM mileage.. :D

Klueless 6 Level 5: Just read the riddle.. And apply your brain for a change.  We see it daily..

Klueless 6 Level 6: We always takes that and breaks that.   The numbers that make it does matter.

Klueless 6 Level 7:  You are stupid.. Father!!! a brat kid.. Only Google uncle helps you here..

Klueless 6 Level 8: Use your brain not your searching skills.. It's all there.. Just enter.. Security matters!!

Klueless6 Level 9: Take it slow and read it!! Whose mask is that.. Find that Guy!! the bird is the answer.. Google uncle will help you.. The Doctor likes to incinerate opponents minds. By the way we call an Asian, Asian!!

Klueless 6 Level 10: This is one of the best levels of K6.. Klues could be a shame here.. Still If you ask, Once upon a time there was a king and he laid some stones across his country. And now there is a 1500 languages disk.. Why don't you study it and read the picture. Studying may not be boring for you FIEROs!!!

Klueless 6 Level 11: How do you change her body?? You may need some technical knowledge here, How can you peek inside a picture?? .. By the way Nelly's eyes are beautiful isn't it?

Klueless 6 Level 12: Warning - Smoking is injurious to health..  Strings and Title may take you closer.. spaced out.. Knots here again.. Google uncle will help!! Colors may not be as what you see or read.. You cannot call every green.. green.. Finally you have to seek Wiki Aunty's help with some tips from the Source!!

Klueless 6 Level 13: It's all there spread on the table.. why not go and pick one.. Related: Holmes: "It's ...... Doc"! Okay.. Now read the title carefully. Finally when you've given an option.. You must always pick the best ones!!

Klueless 6 Level 14: As the title says there might be 1337 ways but only 1 answer.. It's all mixed up.. even coke and lemon juice.. High school kids likes to play basket Ball... It's name take you closer.. But you always have to find that only one answer.. 1337!!

Klueless 6 Level 15: When he says jump you have to jump.. when ask you to do something.. you better do it.. It's about three sisters and a jealousy neighbor.. He ignored one sister's Call for Help.. She drowned!! By the way what's that origami product!!??

Kluless 6 Level 16: It's eventful isn't it.. You have to find the absconding one... c3p0.. For this you have to find what the picture says.. Relation is the key.. And as one picture says Too Long Don't Read  something's last bits, why don't you go there and check it out..

Klueless 6 Level 17: Follow the fire.. Does it ring any bells? If not,  quit the game and feel remorse.. :D Too easy one..

Klueless 6 Level 18: Find out what the numbers are. Letters and hertz with Wiki Aunty will help you.. Do you know which all countries' flags are those???

Klueless 6 Level 19: This is one of the most brilliant levels in K6.. I don't like to give clues.. But if you ask, the source code and the tea stain on picture points to same thing.. For programmers this is easy.. Do you like Flags? If yes then how do you like to wave it?  Time matters but not date.. How? Unscramble it in the end..

Klueless 6 Level 20a: Read the story.. put the answer.. The pic color might be a give away... I always loved watching horror movies.. The answer will take you to 20b. Sometimes they would like us to keep our pants on!!

Klueless 6 Level 20b: Follow the source code.. What's the winning move here?? Remember I said before.. Some times they would like to play with our mind.. Now what? think!! And keep in mind.. clues apply to same levels here.

Klueless 6 Level 21: Are you a HP fan, then this must be easy.. Find the additions to the image.. Search all corners.. Find the code n not the barcode. Wiki Aunty will help you.. Add a spreadsheet to locator. It will give you a spreadsheet back.. Fill it up from source code.. Google uncle will help you even you are not a HP fan.. And finally, don't get blinded by the darkness..

Klueless 6 Level 22: There are two roads.. A & B forked off.. Which one would you like to take!!?? Choose your path. It's the easiest one ever.

Klueless 6 Level 22a: Connect.. You know that hat!! And Google uncle helps u to find the relation between the bill and the plane. Combine it with hat.. or whatever from hat.. :D BTW do you like rock songs??

Klueless 6 Level 22b: Connect. You know that lady and that Pope! Only their names are important.. Again, do you like the singers or the songs?? I guess I like the band here,,, :D

Klueless 6 Level 22 Again: Marry A & B.. How would you do it.. It's up to your imagination.. Trial n Error works..

Klueless 6 Level 23: Errors and errors.. It was barely recognizable.. But you have to read it.. Like the student says"Pull it Sir".. Wiki Aunty will help you once you decipher the text..

Klueless 6 Level 24: This is a beautiful level.. You will be amazed by its brilliance and wickedness.. You have to contact each one of them.. Call them, it's better. Then page title will take you where you have to go.. But source code tells you what exactly you have to do.. Read it, recognize it, and exports it to answer bar.. :D BTW does anyone know what's unicode??

Klueless 6 level 25: Read the text.. Find the differences.. Somethings change when you travel across great seas.. Simple jumble in the end.. Easy one!!

Klueless 6 level 26: If Snow white is not enough, I will give you Harry Potter, A Statue of Maia, Price of Persia or some deadly sins, from K5. Think what does that letters denote.. Source is a fairly giveaway hint.. After that seek Google uncle's help..

Klueless 6 Level 27: Find what you need to play.. The answer is what you need to win.  The source gives you.. Shh.... !! Please. Play that with your text also.. . :D Cards in your hand matters!!

Klueless 6 Level 28: I did wonder how can anyone design levels like this.. They might kill me for giving klues to this.. Find out what the code is.. "The quick brown fox jumbs over the lazy dog".. is a fair klue to this.. Now decode it.. Smart Phones does this better.. Do as what that kooky poem says.. Be lazy, tooooo laaazzzyyy, I would say, when u do this.. Sometimes somethings maynot be as what you see or read.. And if you knew what is that, then it's nothing.. Just answer the riddle.. You don't need to download anything. Everything is there online..

Kluless 6 Level 29: Find out what they are talking about.. It's not just a children's rhyme.. Find the theme.. Then the Russian friend will help you.. or his mate Goldstein.

Klueless 6 Level 30: It's yet another brilliant level.. When you starts playing, the time stops ticking.. Read the text on the pic.. It will give you something.. Now the locator will give you something else.. Google uncle is always ready to help you.. You can guess the overall theme from the first glance itself.. Relate everything to that.. Google uncle might still help even if you bundle up data. And finally change your answer according to Mr. Shepherd's wishes!! BTW I always hate evangelists.. they talks about conversion all the time.. :D

Klueless 6 Level 31: Did you notice something has changed from something that was there from levels 1-30!! Be nostalgic.. Go back and check it out!! Pick something from each one.. Arrange it in order.. Bingo!! Guess they got a bery bery badh throath!! :D

Klueless 6 Level 32: I still cannot guess how they did this.. Amazing.. 1: Read the inscriptions on the image.. Get some names from that.. Find the common connect.. 2: Picture will also gives something else.. You did this some levels ago.. or depend source code for this.. Marry 1 & 2 Bingo!!

Klueless 6 Level 33a: Just play the game.. Yes you guessed it right.. It is the same game.. Now play it.. How?? Get some tips from that Sundry List.. And you can see something emerges in the middle.. Add that to locator.. Phew!!!

Klueless 6 Level 33b: There is a reason this level is called 33b.. Find it.. This game can be googled. Dayfrance is a fairly explicit klue. It will lessen your burden considerably. Place your "N" in "K" and then you need to traverse from 1 to 24.. Pick everything on your way.. It will give you something... Confused as what is it.. Refer Source code and seek Google Uncle's help.

Klueless 6 Level 34: This is one level that eluded me for a long time.. Not by it's brilliance.. But by it's painfulness to crack it.. Read the text.. You need to find where next.. For that.. You have to act like a politician.. Keep swinging left and right.. Pick up something from the text.. One from left/right and one from left/right.. Keep swinging until you see a pattern emerges.. Now take the text out.. Send a mail.. You'll get something in return.. Do the reverse of what you did to the reply!! There you are.. Finally conquered, something even Gods' couldn't do!!!

Do send the reply to them.. They want to hear from you.. And you will get information mail next year. 

I posted this clues to create an interest in the game.  My small advice. Don't pull your hairs. Take breaks in between. It always helps. Impossible is nothing. Wish you happy Kluelessing.

And for those really stuck on some levels, you can write to me. I wont give u a direct answer, but I'll help you get closer. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

An open letter to MSD from a die-hard fan.

Dear Mahi or Dhoni or whatever people fondly calls you,

      First of all I would like to congratulate you on your excellent performances today and in this whole tournament. If not you were there in the field and as a captain, India would've won the match and it could've been a great loss to our country of 1.1 Billion people. We're very grateful to you for not allowing that to happen. I guess, like me, Manmohan Ji and other corporate leaders are now busy preparing you a quick 'thank you note'. You saved this country man, perhaps you didn't realized it then. or did you!!??

         In today's match, when India was 90/1 at the end of 10th over, my friend said - now only Dhoni could restrict India below 200 and lose the game. But he has to play really well to do that. And you did exactly that with your 19 ball 23 and remaining not out, even when India required a 20 runs victory margin. Congratulations, not only for your performance, but also for helping Raina and others to score quickly with your wonderful tips. Now I am angry with my friend because he judged you better than me!. But I am proud of you for  rescuing all Indians from such a terrible loss. You helped our government and many companies in India and abroad from possible loss of man hours, insomnia, depression etc due to cricket fever of their employees and subjects. I can't even imagine the loss to our GDP and GNP and its reaction in our economy, if India reaches the semi finals. You once again saved our economy which is already shaking from our national festivals like bandhs and hartals. Thanks man, for avoiding it.

         Not only today, your overall performance in this tournament has been marvelous. I could never forget your run out in the match against WI when India needed 31 runs from 12 balls. That too to give strike to master batsman Harbhajan Singh. It was really awesome to see you delegate the responsibility of scoring the winning runs to non specialist batsmen. But what happened to your strategy of being not out and shouldering the responsibility in that match?? I think you were correcting your last match's mistakes today. Your another great knock, a 8 ball 2 against Australia was also mind blowing. No other T20 captain can imitate you in that. I always wonder how a player can perform this much consistently. In the last T20 world cup also you showed Player of the Series performances. It's unfortunate that they didn't select you, but with that you saved our economy from depression. Hope this time you'll get that award for sure. After all which player considers the economy of his country while playing cricket. You're the best! :)

     Talking about your captaincy, your overall strategy in this tournament has been exceptional. Your decisions like including R.Jadeja, A. Nehra and D. Karthik in many matches have been phenomenal. Not even a County team or an IPL captain will have the guts to include them in their playing eleven. But you proved your decisions are right with their superb performances. Your shuffling in the batting order, field placements, bowlers selection etc etc where beyond words of appreciation. Not to mention your pieces of advices on and off the field to young players like to Raina today to slow down the scoring rate. He was batting madly till you came to bat and you steadied his innings. That shows how good a captain you are.

          As a great fan of yours I really don't know how to thank you. This is my humble letter to appreciate you. I am making this letter open because, like me your all other fans could read this and add their comments as well. Hope you won't mind. Whatever the critics and ill talkers say, for me you are the best T20 captain in the world. I seriously wish you must be the captain till you retire from the game. For the record, no other captain lost all of his Super 8's matches in the last two years combined. Don't worry no one could beat you this year and next year we can increase the margin to 9 matches and 3 years.

Wishing you all the best,

Yours lovingly

dinnu :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

MBA Vs Engineer

I found this joke from a public forum.. Just sharing it here for my friends.. All copyrights vests in the hands of its original author.

MBA and an Engineer go on a camping trip, set up their tent, and fell asleep. Some hours later, the Engineer wakes his MBA friend. Look up at the sky and tell me what you see.” The MBA replies, “I see millions of stars.” The Engineer asks “What does that tell you?” The MBA ponders for a minute:

“Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, it’s evident the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?”

The Engineer friend is silent for a moment, then speaks. “Practically...Someone has stolen our tent”.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Mother, Thilak, Super Stars and The Common Man.

For last few days the gods own country was facing the greatest ever battle in its history, bigger than the battle of Kulachal. People have been eagerly awaiting for its results. For them, its a matter of life and death. Millions of words have been written about it around the world on different news papers, blogs, busses, cars, cycles, what else and what not. People have been talking only about this in the past few days. Thank god it finally came to abrupt halt. 

Those who are not aware of it, please refer Wikipedia or any other Encyclopedia. Any way I'll give some details. It's between, Mr. Thilak on a Donkey's back on one side Vs a Mother, two of its super star sons leading from the front and numerous other sons and daughters with or without a star on the other side. Poor Donkey, it was wandering in the field when Mr. Thilak and the Mother had a fight. It unknowingly reached Mr. Thilak side when the battle was imminent. Before that it's imperative for you to know Mr. Thilak was also a son of the Mother. Mr. Thilak didn't missed the opportunity and climbed on the back of the Donkey to be began the battle. Weapons started to fire. More fiercer than the battle of Kurukshetra or the battle of Troy. And all other asses known more commonly as the laymen from Gods own country watched it with missed heart beats. 

The cause of the fight is unknown, but it's rumoured that Mr. Thilak had difference of opinion with one of the super star. And the super star asked the Mother to outcast Mr. Thilak and asked every employers not to give any work for Mr. Thilak. Mr. Thilak complained about this to the Mother, but she favored the wealthy son and turned down Mr. Thilak's complaints. And asked all her other sons and daughters, not to work with Mr. Thilak. I heard  this caused Mr. Thilak to declare war on the Mother and her other wards. Poor Donkey, it also became a part of the war with its stupidity.

As the final whistle for the day blew, Mr. Thilak is trailing behind by some 500 runs and he have to score more than 300 runs to avoid follow on and a innings defeat. And the Donkey got retired hurt. When he was fighting alone, Mr. Thilak has been suspended from play for an unknown time period. Poor asses called spectators, most of them haven't got a clue about what they witnessed. They don't know what to watch anymore. Some of them has already left the ground, cursing the Mother's decision to suspend Mr. Thilak for adopting unfair  practices and the suspension of the battle citing technical reasons. But many are still not leaving their seats.  ചിലപ്പോ അവിടെ ഭിരിയാണി കൊടുക്കുന്നുണ്ടെങ്കിലോ!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Madrasis Vs Punjabis, Hindi Vs Marathi, Is India really independent!?, republic!!??

Hi Folks,

It's been a long time.. I started this blog in 2008.. and I have till date only managed to post 2 posts. And to tell u the truth.. I was lazy.. But I also had nothing to write about.. People often finds news around us.. They scribble their news in various forms of publications - newspapers, blogs, twitter, etc etc.. you name it. I dunno hw they find news... but i am no journalist and I don't find news around us.. But obviously i feel i should talk about something that bothers me, or that bother people around me - loud.. but who cares.. for me I am telling the truth (I think so) :). But for others.. I am mad...

Now to start my second blog apart from the klueless post, the basis of which is an SMS i got today.. wishing happy republic day. It says some vital stats abt our country. It goes like this.. 31 States, 7 Union Territories, 1618 Languages, 6400 Castes, 6 Religions, 6 Ethnic Groups, 29 Major festivals & 1 Country! Be Proud to be an Indian!. I don't know how far this is true. And I know this is an old SMS. For last 2 years I am getting same SMSs like this, only difference being the number of states (As far as I know, there are only 28 states and seven U.T.s till now). It's the same thing that wonders me. Why is it increasing day by day and why people are craving for more states? First all wanted a state based on their languages. And now they want.. I don't know why want they more states for. For religions? For Ethnic groups? One thing I am sure is, more states means more chaos and more diversity. 

I have a feeling India is falling apart. More than religious fights, India is facing this serious threat within the country itself. It's more dangerous than the fight between Hindus and Muslims and Christians and any other foreign terrorists decides to come to our country and kill innocent people. And why should they? Since we are fighting among themselves and decides to forego the Bagiratha task of Acharya Vinobhave to unify this country through Bhoodan movement etc. Before the British, India was a place of numerous small princely states fighting themselves. And that helped the British to implement the policy of "Divide and Rule" so easily and conquer our motherland. We are making the same mistake again. We are cutting our country into more and more small pieces based on whatever ideals some opportunists propose. The first mistake being forming some states based on the languages spoken. If we continue like this, the following cartoon will soon be a reality.

LIKE THAT ONLY                  by Jug Suraiya & Ajit Ninan

Courtesy: Times of India, January 27, 2010 (Chennai Edition). 

Thus created a division between people. And people started fighting against each other based on language barriers. For e.g. Marathi Vs Hindi in Maharashtra, Tamil Vs Hindi or any other Indian languages like Malayalam or Kannada. For many Tamils, First they are a Tamilian, before they are an Indian. Same cases with Marathis and others. This division created so many political bottlenecks in various parts of India, like sharing of river waters, teaching and speaking other languages in schools, trade movements etc etc.Why can't they think as Indians first before they consider themselves as a Tamils or Malayalees or Marathis? And why are we still increasing this gap by dividing many big states and creating so many small so called states?

According to me, we should overcome the language and cultural barriers and make India as what our fore fathers who brought us freedom, dreamed of becoming. The No.1 country in the world in every terms. We should fight within ourselves to overcome our attitude towards other communities, other languages. Be it a Punjabi or a Tamil. As Chetan Bhagat said in "2 States" marriage of not two, but all states now exists instead of creating more divorces.  Then only we can proudly say that India is republic or India is really independent. For that, I guess we should start a new India One Movement :)

Jai Hind.